Submit A Retro

Got a Vintage - Retro - Old School - Before Birth - Classic – Traditional – Era – Jurassic – Previous – Generation – Timeless – Past – Obsolete  Pictures or Videos of anything?

Here are the guidelines:

1. When you submit a picture/video you are giving Retromek the right to post/share it. Don't worry I'll put the name of the contributor.

2. Your Retro must be your own and not copied from other person or site, I recommend to put some watermarks on the picture or videos.

3. Write a snippet or a short story/summary about your Retro.

4. Send it to Just indicate your NAME(to be displayed), and URL of your site/blog, and CONTACT when you send it in my email. Put in RETRO in the email subject.

5. I will review your Retro before publishing it.

That's it!

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